
Merry Christmas!

Just feel like sharing some photos with you.
These make me smile.
Hope you smile too!


Is there anything cooler than a beautiful female drummer?
She rocks.

He thinks he's a real boy.  
I don't know why.


Hold me?
It's kinda irresistible.

Oh that face.


I got a good laugh when I found these on my camera.
The little girls obviously got a hold of it.

Creative, romantic girls?

Merriest Christmas blog friends!
Hope your holidays are fun, bright and full of smiles.


My Jasper.

Guess what?!!!
I got an early Christmas present.
It is EXACTLY what I wanted.

You must meet Jasper.
Oh, Jasper, you sweet sweet boy.
Just look at that little lovey face.

Now some of you are sighing and saying to yourselves,
"Oh Shelli.  Didn't you try this once before?
What happened to poor Pepper, she didn't last long. . . "

Well, I did love Pepper. 
But Pepper was given to us because nobody would buy her,
and though she was cute and fun, she was HYPER
and didn't train as well as I had hoped.  She also jumped all over
poor Cotton, and he wasn't too happy about it.
And she had a LOUD bark that none of us could control.
You will be happy (as I am) to know that she is in the loving household
of one of Trevor's patients, and they adore her.
Okay, onto JASPER.

I asked for Jasper.
Actually, this is what I said to my sweet darling husband.
"I know what I want for Christmas.  A sweet little Yorkie that will love ME
and will curl up right next to me when I am resting.  
Oh, but it would have to be house trained too."
And I said all this in a dreamy, wishful way, not even intending for him
to take me seriously.
I should have known better.
Trevor is a sucker for a sweet dog.
Or two.

You already know this guy.
Cotton is our wonder dog.
Everyone who knows him wants him, it is true.
The only problem I have with Cotton is this:
He plays favorites...and I am not one of them.
Trevor, yes.  Firstborn daughter, yes.
Everyone else?
Picture Cotton shrugging.

I don't know how Trev managed it, but Jasper is what I asked for.
He is sweet.  So sweet that I keep wondering
when he is going to do something mischievous.
He loves ME!  How did that happen?  I don't know!
He follows me everywhere, puts his paws up for me to hold him,
and when I walk in the room, he lifts his head and watches me!
Now I know how Trevor feels with Cotton.
It's kinda nice to be adored.  Smiley face.
He is also trained.
This is huge.
He is 5 years old actually, a year older than Cotton.
His previous owner used him for breeding, and they were done with him.
How they could not want him as a pet baffles me, but I guess that is the business of it.
We are the lucky ones now.

Love you Jasper!


Christmas cozy.

 This year we had snow BEFORE Thanksgiving!
The frosty trees are breathtaking.
I am in awe of them.
And it makes the house feel even more Christmas cozy inside!
Don't you love that word . . . cozy.
I do.  
Cozy. . .

Thought I'd give you a tiny tour.
This is my home at Christmas time.  At least some of it.
Trev made that bed with his own two hands.
It was his wedding gift to me 17 yrs ago.
I refuse to buy a new one.

 I love this old hutch.
I imagine it was in some farm kitchen long ago,
made lovingly by a farmer for his wife.
I don't know, I just imagine it.

 Just a chair in the entry.

Decorating the sideboard.
I always find it hard to decorate this piece in the entry.
Maybe because I think it is so pretty without anything on it.

My entry bench, an old church pew.
I love old wood, yes I do.


Did you spot Cotton?
He blends so well with the sofa.

I told you it was just a tiny tour.
Thanks for coming along.
Hope you are enjoying your own cozy home!
Especially if you have breathtaking frosty trees.