
Superwoman Blogger.


"Learn to be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not."
- Henry Frederic Amiel

Are you wondering about my New Year's resolution to be a better blogger?
Hmmmmm.  I for one am disappointed.
I had envisioned posting weekly.
And each post would be thought provoking and uplifting.
Filled with stories, experiences, ideas and pictures.
But...I believe I have fallen a bit short!

My excuse?
I can think of a few.
I am so busy.  
I don't always have thought provoking, uplifting things to share.
I haven't picked up the camera very often.
There are so many out there that do it better than me.
Blah blah blah...

I'm making peace with the fact that I am not superwoman.
Or superwoman blogger.
I do what I can do, and that is all I can do.
Not to say that I am giving up!
Hopefully I will find a good blogging flow again.
Meanwhile, I have laundry to do, tears to wipe, dinners to cook, errands to run and tennis to play.

snuggling with a sweet sickie

 And if you want to hear all about those things...
make sure to check back.
I will blog about it just as often as I am able...
Thought provoking or not.


Gramma Spice said...

I promise to check later...I do all the time just to see my dolls and their parents. Love the spring poem...fitting, as I watch the trees bend with gale force winds today. You know what's important, sweetie..like being there for the people you love..thank you!

Sant Family said...

Haha! I love your blog - it always leaves me inspired!

I am catching up on my blogging, but only because I've been sick, so I sit on the couch and make a post per activity, then schedule it to appear some time in the future.

I'd rather NOT be sick and be living my life than blogging about it from the couch :).